The Yeast Bay: Forager


Über Forager

Aptly named in homage to the hardworking bees that brought this hitchhiking microbe back to the hive, Forager is a single strain of STA1+ Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. boulardii isolated from Spring harvest honeycomb. It imparts a flavor and aroma profile of sauvignon blanc grape must and dry lime peel and produces beer with a dry, earthy finish. Wolves & People’s ongoing Wild Queen series of saisons was launched with a blend based on Forager.

Temperature: 70-80 ºF
Attenuation: 85%-90%
Flocculation: Low
Alcohol Tolerance: High

Zusätzliche Information

Gewicht1.05 kg

Wird nach Bestellungseingang nachbestellt: Verfügbar bei Hersteller

SKU: hefe-the-yeast-bay-forager
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